

My Portfolio

A simple portfolio that showcases my knowledge on web development and examples of my work along with the usual resume information about my work experience.


To-Do List

A simple and interactive "to-do list" using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It has features like adding a new task, marking a task as completed, deleting a single task & all tasks.


GitHub Users Finder App

A simple GitHub users finder app, powered by Vue3.js and GitHub API. This app sums up all the major concepts of Vue3.js such as routing and state management.


Tech Content API

A sample API project, made up of Node.Js and MongoDB Atlas. This is a full-fledged backend app, which supports all the HTTP request methods.


Caesar Cipher Calculator

A Caesar cipher encryption-decryption calculator, made using HTML, Bootsrap4 and JavaScript. Based on the traditional shift cipher technique and algorithm.


Batch Of 2022 API

A live and hosted API, made up of Node.Js and MongoDB. This is a backend app, which provides every student's details of ITER batch of 2022, stored in DB.


Old Cars' Price Predictor

A price predictor model that predicts the price of your old car, based on some required input fields. The app is built using Flask and hosted on Heroku.


IssueR - Issue Tracker App

A go-to web application for tracking issues, related to various departments of an organisation. This app is made using HTML, Javascript, ChanceJS & Bootstrap4.



A NPM package powered by Yeoman that generates a scaffolding boilerplate for back-end workflow with Node.js.